of actions to be carried out

during the 5th Global Traffic Safety Week

from the 06th up to the 12th of May 2019



1. Press-conference on the occasion of the beginning of actions concerning the 5th Road Traffic Safety Week. Presentation and announcement of the beginning of annual All-Ukrainian competition of photo- and video-works.

06.05.2019, 10.00-11.00

Information Agency “UKRINFORM”

Kyiv-City, 8/16 Bogdan Khmelnytski str.


2. Forum on Transport Safety Problems.

07.05.2019, 10-00-15.0

Hotel “Kozatskyj”,

Kyiv-City, 1/3 Mykhaolivs’ka str.


3. All-National action “Give Your Blood and Save a Life!”

Blood donations to be used for treatment of road traffic accidents (RTAs) victims.

08.05-2019, 8.00-10.00

National Specialized Clinical Hospital “Okhmadyt”

of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine,

28/1 Viacheslav Chornovil str.,

and in all the regions of Ukraine,



4. Carrying out of united national lesson “Road Safety is Life Safety” together with regional institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Preparation for the participation in the social project “Safe Country”.




in all the regions of Ukraine


5. Carrying out of preventive individual and group conversations concerning road traffic safety with pupils using bicycles, different types of skates and other wide-spread moving means.


in all the regions of Ukraine.


6. Carrying out of conversations with pupils’ parents attracting their attention to problems associated with the protection of their children lives and health during their children participation in road traffic, the aim being accelerated learning of safe behavior rules by their children.


in all the regions of Ukraine


7. Purposeful preventive actions:

- “Conscious Pedestrian” aiming the prevention of traffic regulation infringement by pedestrians;

- “Are you fastened by a safety belt?” aiming the prevention of incompetent actions among transport means drivers and passengers;

- action “The Child Imitates Parents’ Behavior”;

- elaboration of note booklets “Dangerous and Safe Points for Street Crossings” and their distribution among pupils;

- carrying out of open lessons “Providing of Premedical Aid during RTAs” in all the school institutions.


in all the regions of Ukraine


8. Mass actions regarding the children safety on roads. Carrying out of some educational and training action cycles concerning the further adoption of road traffic safety rules (conversations, competitions, imaginary travels, virtual voyages, performances, acting games, creation of social advertisement rollers, amateur performances in educational institutions, competitions of pictures on asphalt, and children picture expositions.


in all the regions of Ukraine


9. Informational campaign in mass-media (TV, internet, printed materials etc.)


in all the regions of Ukraine


10. Carrying out of the widest explanatory work and road traffic safety propaganda together with all the interested institutions as well as social advertisement circulation regarding the RTA prevention.


National Police of Ukraine, Main Administration of the National Police of Ukraine,in Kyiv-City and in all the regions of Ukraine.

11. Carrying out of regional actions with the aid and participation of:

regional state administrations of different levels[1] including departments of road management, transport, and communication; regional departments of science and education, Kyiv-City State Administration, health care offices of regional administrations, city administrations, regional administrations of the State Service of Ukraine on Transport Safety Problems, management offices of the National Police of Ukraine, regional subdivisions of the National Service of Extreme Situations of Ukraine etc.


12. Participation of educational institutions in actions concerning:

- placard competition on the theme “How I Respect Road Traffic Rules”;

- thematic lessons on the theme “Respecting Road Traffic Rules is a Pledge of Our Health and Life Maintenance”;

- elaboration of a note for students “Remember on Road Dangers”;

- demonstration of video-films on RTA prevention;

- carrying out of tests for students to check their knowledge on road traffic rules;

- organization of wall expositions on road traffic safety;

- elaboration of presentations on themes “Rules of Safe Behavior in Streets and Roads”, “Causes of RTAs and Ways to Their Prevention”;

- carrying out of educational lessons on themes “Typical Road Transport Situations of Increased Danger”, “Legislative Regulation of Road Traffic”, “RTAs and Types of Responsibility”, “Rules of Road Traffic: Rights and Duties of Drivers and Passengers”;

- Issue of wall newspapers on the theme “Safe Behavior of Students in Streets and Roads”;

- Competence of wall newspapers on themes “Road Traffic: Safety & Caution”; “Safe Behavior of Students in Streets and Roads”;

- distribution of propaganda leaflets;

- cycle of broadcasts on rules of road traffic “Respect the Rules and Save Your Life!’;

- round table “ Actual Problems in the Field of Road Traffic Safety”;

- discussion and elaboration of note booklets “Danger and Safe Points of Street Crossings in Our City”;

- conference “Current Safety Means”;

- crossword competition “We are in Way”;

- carrying out of the intellectual game “What? Where? When?”


Kyiv-City Aviation Technical School,

Kyiv-City, 100/1 Peremoga Ave.


Kyiv College of Computer Technologies and Economics

of the National Aviation University, Kyiv-City, 5 Boryspil’s’ka str.


Polytechnical Technical School of the Konotop Institute

of the Sumy State University,

Konotop-City, 39 Sadovа str.


National Forest Technical University of Ukraine,

Lviv, 103 General Chuprynka str.


Humanitarian Pedagogic College of the Mukachevo State University,

Mukachevo-City, 59 Ya.Komenski str.


Ivano-Frankivs’k National Technical University of Oil and Gas,

Ivano-Frankivs’k-City, 15 Karpats’ka str.;


Technical College of the Ivan Puliuj Ternopil National Technical University,

Ternopil-City, 7 General M.Tarnavski str.



Mogyliv-Podil’s’kyj Technologic & Economic College

of the Vinnytsia National Agriculture University,

Mogyliv-Podil’s’kyj-City, 40/1 Kyivs’ka str.


Pavlo Tychyna Uman’ State Pedagogic University,

Uman’-City, 2 Sadova str.


Kharkiv College of Construction, Architecture, and Design,

Kharkiv-City, 4/6 Kvitka-Osnovianenko str.


Housing & Communal College

of the O.M.Beketov Kharkiv National University of City Economics,

Kharkiv-City, 233A Shevchenko str.


Electromechanical College

of the O.M.Beketov Kharkiv National University of City Economics,

Kharkiv-City, 36 Samsonivs’ka str.


Kharkiv National University of Nutrition & Trade,

Kharkiv-City, 2 Kyrpychov str.


Marganets’ College of the National Technical University “Dniprovs’ka Polytechnika”,

Marganets-City, 8 Lermontov str.


Nikopol College of the Dnipro National Agriculture & Economics University,

Nikipol-City, 167 Patriots of Ukraine str.


Donbas National Machine-Building Academy,

Kramators’k-City, 72 Academichna str.


Machine-Building College

of the Donbas National Machine-Building Academy,

Kramators’k-City, 99 Sadova str.


Kramators’k College of the Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovs’ki

National University of Economics and Trade,

Kramators’k-City, 40 Mashynobudivelnyky str.


Office “Bilgorod-Dnistrovs’ki College of Economics & Law”

of the Higher Educational Establishment of the Ukrainian Cooperative Union

“Poltava University of Economics & Trade”,

Bilgorod-Dnistrovs’ki-City, 4 Soniachna str.


Kryvyj Rig National Technical School of Comerce & Economics,

Kryvyj Rig City, 13 Kurchatov str.

-         flash-mob “Safe Movement to the Future”;




Donets’k Institute of Law of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Ukraine,

Poshtovy Ave., Art Place

-         young people scientific practical conference “Safe Roads”;

-         All-Ukrainian poetry competition “ Rhymes on Wheels”.



Donets’k Institute of Law of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Ukraine,

Assembly hall of the National Educational Complex,

Kryvyj Rig City, 92A Spivdruzhniststr.


-         flash-mob “Safe Movement to the Future”;


Mariupol-City, Teatralna sq.

- quest relay-race “Road Traffic ABC”


Mariupol Center of the Police Academy

Mariupol-City, 145 Budivel’nyky Ave.


-         scientific practical seminar “Current Realities of Road Safety of Dinets’ki Region”;



Mariupol Center of the Police Academy

Mariupol-City, 145 Budivel’nyky Ave.


-         master-classes aiming the training on the providing of premedical aid to RTA victims


on the base of medical schools and colleges in all the regions of Ukraine.


13. Preventive actions to avoid RTAs with the participation of mass-media.


in all the regions of Ukraine.


14. Organization and carrying out of conferences and round tables with participation of transport means owners, transport institutions, and transport managers realizing passenger transportation; the question is about respecting of legislative requirements concerning auto-transport means, especially of transportation safety, training on practical acquired habits on premedical aid delivery to RTA victims, necessity of drivers teaching on problems of RTA prevention and necessity of explanatory actions regarding the road traffic rules observance by all the traffic participants. Representatives of administrative workers of all levels, of workers from the Home Affairs Ministry, State Service of the Transport Safety of Ukraine,National Police of Ukraine, of railway collaborators, of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, of UkrTransSafety and UkrAutoRoad, of public organizations, insurance companies, representatives of mass-media, and other interested institutions and organizations.



in all the regions of Ukraine.



15. Complex actions aiming to promote the road traffic safety and to decrease the RTA level on common use roads:

- control realization of motor transport roads of common use to determine their conformity to current schemas of road traffic organization, in particular, on territories of educational institutions, schools, kindergartens;

- renewal of road signs (informational big-boards including those situated on places of ground pedestrian crossings, traffic striping (road markings), current external lighting on roads;

- ensuring of road marks visibility on motor transport roads of common use according to current normative requirements;

- ensuring of danger notices and/or other means of road traffic organization in places of concentrated road traffic accidents and dangerous road segments;

- realization of preventive approaches ensuring road traffic safety in road areas where road-making works have place;

- ensuring of adequate sanitary conditions for public transport stations, auto-pavilions, and elements of sanitary comfort.


in all the regions of Ukraine.


16. Explanatory actions (in places of mass actions) concerning advertisements on the use of safety belts, children chairs, cataphote elements, and observance of road traffic rules in places of railway crossings.


in all the regions of Ukraine.


17. Carrying out of state control actions regarding:

- observance of transport legislation by auto-transport managers;

- control realization of transportation managers concerning their transport services;

- preventive anti-RTA approaches;

- observance of all the conditions of license permitting economic activity associated with transportation of passengers, hazardous loads, and hazardous wastes by motor transport as well as with international passenger and load transportation;

- periodic trainings of transport means drivers aiming they to adopt all the necessary approaches for premedical aid for RTA victims;

- explanatory activities concerning the observance of road traffic rules and transportation safety of passengers and loads.


in all the regions of Ukraine.


18. Realization of means concerning the propaganda of road traffic safety in places of railway crossings using:

- information in mass-media (including local ones) about consequences of infringement
of road traffic rules by drivers of wheel transport means in limits of railway crossings;

- distribution of informational and propaganda materials indicating the necessity of road traffic rules observance in places of railway crossings by transport means drivers.


in all the regions of Ukraine.


19. Realization of complex approaches aiming the promotion of road traffic safety and decrease of accident levels in places of railway crossings and technical crossings by:

- renewal of road marks and road marking-out in places of railway crossings and near them;

- ensuring of normative visibility on areas of railway crossings and technical crossings;

- abolishing of shortcomings having been detected during the expert revision of railway crossings in spring 2019.


National WHO Coordinator

at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

in questions of road traffic safety,

Director of State Enterprise

“Ukrainian Medical Center of Road

Traffic Safety and Informational Technology”

of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” Yurii Chornij